Fiction: Gain extra inches to your penis length, easily, through ‘penis lengthening surgery’, otherwise known as cutting the suspensory ligament or ligamentolysis.

Fact: Penis lengthening surgery gives you added flaccid penis length (a longer penis when soft), but does nothing to increase the erect penis length. This is why before & after photos generally show only soft penises.

Referring to the diagram above, the penile shaft (in red) is cut away from the suspensory ligament (in yellow), causing the penis to hang lower when flaccid, but having no effect on the length of the actual penis shaft itself. No additional erect length is provided by the procedure as the penile shaft itself (in red) is not lengthened.

Surgery can result in an average gain in length to the flaccid penis of 2cm, but there will be no change to the size of the erect penis. The erect penis won’t point as high as before the operation because the ligament which was cut no longer offers support. It can make sex quite uncomfortable. You’ve got to do a lot more maneuvering with your partner. The advantage of a 2cm gain in flaccid length is far outweighed by the loss of angle of erection.

That is a lot of trouble to go to for a 1 or 2cm gain in penis length when soft, and no extra length when hard.

Surgery to increase the penis length has not shown to be safe and effective by the the American Urological Association.

Ligament transection, v-y plasty and other incision techniques can cause pathological scarring and actually shrink the length of the penis, in addition to degrading its ability to function in the erect state.

The AUA also considers the division of the suspensory ligament of the penis for increasing penile length in adults to be a procedure which has not been shown to be safe or efficacious.

Fiction: Safe Silicone Implants to the Penis.

The method of implanting a silicone sleeve in the penis to increase thickness is both dangerous and produces functionally sub-optimal results.

A patient describes their experience with a popular silicone penis implant in this article.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of disinformation about how to make the penis bigger.

A large number of internet sites and spam emails attempt to sell ineffective penis enlargement pills, creams, mechanical devices, and ‘proven systems’ promising to increase the length and girth of the penis. These products are almost certain to be a waste of time and money.

These sites operate using a basic formula: feed feelings of inadequacy and then offer quick and easy solutions, which are pseudo-science and can be dangerous. They give false hope to those who genuinely suffer as a result of having a small penis, or who want a genuinely effective way to increase their penis size.

Fiction: Penis Pills

Fact: No penis pills or creams will increase the size of the penis (aside from Viagra which allows for an erection). If a pill to increase penis size is ever invented, you will certainly hear about it on the news, and you might notice long queues of men lined up outside their local pharmacies.

Fiction: Easily lengthen your penis by using a penis traction device, gain (x) inches in 3 months.

Fact: Anyone who has tried to wear a penis traction device for 8 hours a day will tell you that this is not an easy approach to lengthening the penis, particularly if you have an office job or active lifestyle.

Traction devices and natural penis enhancement techniques can work with a high level of commitment and time relative to the gains achieved in penis length. If the lengthening program is abandoned, it is possible that any gain achieved will eventually be lost.

Any claim that girth or thickness can be increased through the use of traction devices must be taken with a grain of salt.

An instant gain in penis size, through the use of a Hyaluronic acid-based filler, would prevent a considerable amount of misspent time and effort.

The truth is that only a medical professional is able to achieve real gains in the girth of your penis. The decision comes down to how much risk, expense, and downtime is involved in the various medical treatment options.

Fact: Hyaluronic acid injections will add volume (girth) to the penis, instantly and painlessly, with little to no downtime or effort on your part. The risk is considerably lower than undertaking penoplasty surgery; by comparison, the procedure is very simple.

Fact: Hyaluronic acid is naturally occurring in the body, and has been used safely in facial aesthetics, and for the treatment of osteoporosis for a number of years.

The results of Dr. Sani’s Hyaluronic acid injections are non-permanent (lasting around 24 months). Over time, the Hyaluronic acid will be naturally absorbed and removed from the body until eventually none of the solution remains. In the unlikely event that you wish to reverse your girth procedure, for example if your extra girth is too much for your partner, the injection of Hyaluronidase will instantly dissolve Hyaluronic acid turning it into water, enabling the procedure to be instantly reversed. See the section on Hyaluronic Acid for a video of how this occurs.