Men worry about penis size for a number of reasons including:

  • Actually having an abnormally small penis length, girth, or both
  • Believing their penis size is inadequate due to misinformation or psychological reasons
  • Social pressure, akin to the pressure some women feel to have larger breasts
  • Problems in intimate relationships due to size incompatibility, or the preference of a partner for a larger penis

This issue of men and penis size is not dealt with well by our society. Either penis size is the topic of jokes or innuendo (intended to flatter if the penis is large or be disparaging if the penis is small), or, the issue is not dealt with in full honesty for fear of being insensitive.

  • Men are, therefore, faced with almost daily references in society to the virtues of a large penis, and at the same time, rather patronisingly, told that ‘size doesn’t matter’. Even worse may be the assurances given to men with small penises that they can still make excellent lovers if they just work a little harder than their more well-endowed competitors, or perhaps, they can pleasure their partners in other ways.
  • There is a plethora of information about penis size that often contradicts itself, increasing the level of confusion and anxiety. Rarely will there be a mature discussion on the topic of penis size, which is surprising (or perhaps to be expected), given how important a concern penis size is to many men, and to a number of their partners, too.

Picture any group of men playing golf, watching sports at the bar, entertaining with their wives or girlfriends at a social event; in all likelihood, there will be a member of the group facing severe anxiety because of the size of his penis. Likewise, a member of the group, who feels secure in his penis size, may well have the added confidence to achieve in other areas of life.

The situation can arise if a man cannot please his partner in bed and believes this is due to the size of his penis. Men may worry that the cause of a relationship breakup is due to their sex lives not being good enough and may rightly or wrongly attribute this to the size of their penis, even before considering more obvious causes for the relationship breakdown.

In some cases, penis size will be totally irrelevant to the issues above, or entirely ‘in the mind’, however, in many cases a larger penis may actually improve a man’s self-esteem, quality of life and sexual relationships. If modern technology allows the penis size to be materially enlarged with little risk or negative side effects, then enlargement can be recommended in many cases. Social taboos related to sexual health and penis enlargement have been falling steadily in recent years. While these taboos remain, many men will suffer a poorer quality of life, and for no good reason, considering the less-invasive options available.

60% of males believed to suffer from small penis syndrome face the feeling of not being ‘big enough’ to satisfy their partners. The anxiety can be harmful to relationships and can affect self-esteem and overall projection of confidence. There is a generation of men, who worry about their penis size, perhaps, exacerbated by the prevalence of online pornography or by increasing reference to penis size in the media and society. Many incorrectly believe there is nothing that can be done about the size of their penis and, therefore, work on enhancing other aspects of the body including overdoing it at the gym to increase their body size and even taking steroids.

More dangerous is the reported consumption of ineffective supplements or penis enlargement pills, which falsely claim to be able to grow the adult penis. Often, little is known about the ingredients in these pills or the standards followed in their manufacture. Men may waste time engaging in penis enlargement exercises or committing to long periods wearing penis traction devices, which can be uncomfortable and damaging to the penis. A compulsive fixation involving constantly measuring and analyzing the size of the penis can develop, wasting considerable time and energy. After no real results are achieved and considerable amounts of time and money are wasted, the level of anxiety is often higher than it was to begin with.

It is becoming more common for men with statistically average or even larger than average penises to opt for girth enhancement, due to the relative ease of the procedure, and the lower risk involved with modern Hyaluronic acid-based fillers.

Many men want to have a bigger penis, not just for better sex life, but for pride in their physique overall. In the process of bodybuilding, men add muscle and size in many areas of the body; however, unfortunately, there is no exercise available to achieve gains in penis size. With the availability of penis filler techniques involving Hyaluronic acid, men are now able to keep the penis in proportion to the gains they have achieved on the rest of the body.

Self-defeat, low confidence and disregard of logical sense can consume a man with regard to the issue of penis size. There is absolutely no need for this when enhancing penis size is a now a low-risk outpatient procedure, due to the progress of medical techniques, and modern fillers such as those based on Hyaluronic acid.

Call 408-716-3666 for further information and to book a consultation with our surgeon.