The procedure is safe.
Complications are rare and usually minor, including temporary swelling and mild bruising. For more details on risks and possible complications, consult Dr. Sani.
Worldwide, the number of facial aesthetic procedures performed using Hyaluronic acid-based fillers (HA) exceeds 5 million each year.
Complications are exceedingly rare when HA filler is injected by an experienced doctor.
The number of procedures performed using HA to enlarge the penis is lower at approximately a few thousands in the U.S.
This is the safest medical approach available to thicken the penis.

You could, for example, come in during your lunch hour and have a 30-minute consultation with the doctor.

Then, if you wanted to go ahead, the doctor would give you some numbing cream to apply to the penis.

Then wait 15 minutes; for the penis to go numb.

You then lay back, and the doctor injects the filler into the space between the skin and the penis shaft.

The injection points from the needle close over in a matter of seconds, or a few minutes at most.

You could go straight back to work if you take it easy, for example, if you work in an office.

However no manual labour or heavy lifting for one week.

– You’re unlikely to experience pain during the procedure, or the recovery.

A video of the complete procedure is shown below. It is possible to complete the procedure with only one needle incision through the use of a cannula if preferred.

The amount of girth gained depends on the length of the penis and the amount of filler injected.

We recommend an initial treatment of 10-15 vials of the filler for a 2 to 3 cm (~1 inch) increase in penis circumference (thickness).

A shorter penis will require less filler, and therefore less cost. Conversely, a longer penis will require more filler.

Individual results do vary from patient to patient and results can not be accurately predicted.

Some patients will achieve more volume increase from a given amount of filler than others.

An increase of 2 cm to 3 cm is roughly a 20-30% increase in the thickness of the average penis.

This is a substantial gain in penis size and will require some adjustment before any additional increase is contemplated.

The increase in girth can certainly be noticeable during sex, for both you and your partner, and we strongly recommend testing your new girth with any long term partner, before opting for any additional size gains.

Further injections can be provided at a follow-up appointment if additional girth is desired, and patients have flexibility in determining the amount of girth gained, within medically acceptable limits.

In terms of the volume of filler added to the penis, HA is one of the most hygroscopic molecules known in nature, meaning that it absorbs water from the surrounding tissue.

The safest and most effective approach is to add girth cumulatively, in manageable steps and with repeat visits, rather than an ‘all in one go’ approach.

See our Before and After section for typical results.

* Individual results may vary from person to person.


This is a non-invasive approach to increasing the girth of the penis, using established techniques from aesthetic medicine.

The procedure itself is completed in less than 30 minutes, with the application of topical anaesthetic cream only.

You will be awake during the procedure which involves the doctor injecting the Hyaluronic acid filler under the skin of the penis around the penis shaft.

Patients are able to leave the clinic directly after the procedure and are free to walk or drive home.

The procedure requires no stitches and leaves only tiny injection points from the filler syringe, which close on their own in a matter of seconds.


You are able to drive home following the procedure.

No stitches are required. Tiny holes are made by the needle in order to inject the filler solution.

You should not have sexual intercourse for seven days following the procedure.

This ensures that all injection points are completely healed over, in order to reduce any chance of infection.

During the first 3-5 days, the filler is also semi-malleable and will be susceptible to movement should the patient engage in sexual intercourse.


The penis will function normally in terms of erection and urination. The angle of the erection may be lower due to the increased weight of the penis, and the penis may hang slightly lower when soft (less retraction). The penis will have more girth or thickness when soft and when hard.

The angle of the erection may be lower due to the increased weight of the penis, and the penis may hang slightly lower when soft (less retraction). The penis will have more girth or thickness when soft and when hard.

The penis will have more girth or thickness when soft and when hard.


Your penis will be instantly thicker following the treatment, due to the filler added to the penis.

You can book in for the treatment on the same day as your consultation with the plastic surgeon and have both the consultation and the treatment completed within the hour.


The filler will slowly reabsorb, usually over 12-18 months (Voluma option).

Eventually, all of the filler will be dissolved. You may need approximately 1/2 the original amount of filler again in a repeat treatment in 12 months if you wish to maintain your extra penis girth.

Results may vary from patient to patient.

The filler can also be dissolved instantly through injection of Hyaluronidase solution in the unlikely event that the extra girth is causing your partner any difficulties during sex.

(Therefore the procedure is reversible).

In our experience, partner dissatisfaction is rare, with the vast majority of patients experiencing improved sexual relations following the girth enhancement.

It is important to know, that while very rare, it is possible for the filler to be reabsorbed in only a matter of months. This is not the expected outcome, but it is possible.

Depending on the rate of reabsorption, a repeat will be required within 12-18 months.

The volume of additional filler required will be lower than in the initial procedure, due to residual filler remaining.

The growth of new tissue is stimulated by the procedure including, through the process of neocollagenesis. However, we do not guarantee a specific level of new tissue gain.

Foreign clinics using Hyaluronic acid for penis girth have reported that up to 50% of the volume of filler injected, will become permanent penis girth gain.

It is important to know, that while very rare, it is possible for the filler to be reabsorbed in only a matter of months. This is not the expected outcome, but it is possible.

We offer an initial 8-10 syringes of filler, after which additional filler can be added, if desired, after 2 weeks.

This is the safest approach.

It is possible to have more filler, but this must be done cumulatively for the best result, and the highest level of safety.

Ultimately, the girth limit will be determined by the doctor.

No. You need to see a surgeon who is experienced in penoplasty for this procedure.


The technique is available in a few countries worldwide. Dr. Sani is one of a few specialists on the U.S. West Coast.

Enlarging the girth of the penis through the injection of Hyaluronic acid fillers is steadily replacing surgery due to the relative safety of the procedure versus surgery.

In countries where girth enhancement is more commonplace, such as in South Korea, an injectable filler is now used in over 80% of penile girth enhancement procedures and the percentage is steadily increasing.


You fit squarely within the normal range of men.

If you want a bigger penis you are in the majority – most men would enjoy a larger penis.

Opting to increase penis girth is more normal (some might argue) than:

Investing significant time in the gym body-building (steroids and supplements)
Spending excessively on luxuries for the ego, such as the cliché of a sports car
Just going through life unsatisfied with an important aspect of your body and identity when there is a relatively easy solution.

For erect length, no.

For flaccid length, yes, the weight of the filler can cause it to hang slightly lower in the flaccid state.

* Individual results may vary from person to person.

However, as is also the case for ‘penis lengthening surgery‘, there is no increased length in the erect state.

For the majority of men, it is extra length when hard that matters, not more length when soft.

The good news for heterosexual couples is that there is evidence that the majority of women prefer penis girth over penis length. Penis girth is what is provided by this procedure.

In a University of Texas Study, 90% of partners preferred a wider penis while only 10% preferred a longer penis, a link to the study is here.

A study by UCLA’s Sexual Psychophysiology and Affective Neuroscience (SPAN) Laboratory found that women prefer a larger penis girth for casual sex.

Results of this study, as reported by LiveScience, have not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural ingredient in the skin responsible for retaining moisture and supporting the skin structure.

The solution used in the penis is smooth and firm and will integrate with the surrounding tissue naturally, taking on its warmth and feel to the touch.

Penile surgery is a higher risk and largely obsolete approach to penis enlargement.

A surgical approach is taking unnecessary risks, with your penis.

For penis thickness, surgery is no longer necessary.

If you would like this explained in greater depth, please call and we will endeavor to do so.

Size enhancement by injection is significantly more advisable than procedures that require surgery.

  • excellent safety with very low rate of complications
  • minor complications, if any
  • predictable result
  • kinder on the penis than open surgery or fat transplants
  • no pain in most cases; if minimal pain is experienced more anesthetic cream can be applied to the penis
  • treatment time in minutes rather than hours
  • recovery time is short, and recovery procedures are simple
  • minimal to no pain and discomfort during recovery time
  • no surgical cutting and limited bleeding if any caused by the injection, rather than incisions and open surgery
  • no scarring
  • requires only local anesthesia
  • no requirement for general anesthesia, or sedation or the use of epidurals
  • substantial and long-lasting size gains are possible – the treatment is effective
  • affordable with a lower cost than surgery
  • maintenance of girth gains actually costs less than fat transfer surgery (fat absorbs and requires repeat surgeries)
  • a high rate of patient satisfaction
  • repeatable for cumulative penis enlargement.

It might sound like a good idea to make the penis “fatter” by using fat.

However, the penis is not made of fat, to begin with.

The likelihood is that you will require ongoing repeat surgery, or ‘top-ups’.

The AUA position is generally negative on Free Fat Transfer (FFT) for penis enlargement.

Take some time to research online, including websites other than those of cosmetic surgery clinics.

Websites provided by the government are generally the best bet.

Try these sources:


Link 1


You can have a permanent result; but, the risks are higher.

It is possible to travel to Tijuana, Mexico or Brazil to have PMMA or silicone injected, where there is no regulation against its use.

However, PMMA is a processed polymer similar to plastic and does not belong in the body.

It is near impossible to surgically remove PMMA beads from the penis if there is a bad reaction.

The cost of doing so is high financially, as well as causing damage to tissue into which the PPMA has integrated.

Hyaluronic acid, by comparison, can be instantly dissolved by injecting Hyaluronidase enzyme solution into the area filled, turning the filler into water.

The AUA position is quite negative in regard to penis enlargement surgery, both fat transfer and penis lengthening surgery.

Many men choose to have girth enhancement purely to increase self-confidence or as an ego boost, and may not have a small penis at all.

The majority of our patients have an average penis size.

For those in long-term relationships, consideration should be given to the penis size preference of one’s partner.

Incompatibility in size between male and female sexual organs can be the cause of significant dissatisfaction in sexual relationships.

This may mean that it is inadvisable to proceed with a girth increase (if your partner prefers a smaller or thinner penis for example).

Hyaluronic acid “HA” is not toxic; this is a naturally occurring in the body, and produced by the body.

HA has been used in facial fillers for a number of years, and in osteoarthritis, where it is an important part of the synovial fluid that cushions the joints.

You could even swallow Hyaluronic acid and it would do no damage to the body, indeed is marketed as an oral supplement for some conditions.

Yes, as explained in the section What is Hyaluronic Acid, Hyaluronidase enzyme dissolves the HA filler into water, where it passes safely out of the body. This can be done at any time.

This is one reason why Hyaluronic acid penis enlargement is a safer approach to penis enlargement than other methods.

Put simply, in the unlikely event you wish to return to your normal penis size, you can do so, by either waiting for the filler to naturally dissolve itself or by injecting an enzyme to dissolve it instantly into water.

You would be out of pocket by the amount of the initial procedure, but, more importantly; you would not be stuck with a permanent result that you, or your partner, were unhappy with.

There are no pre-tests required.

Read widely on the subject of penis enlargement, particularly from government or official sources.

The procedure itself takes less than 30 minutes on an out-patient basis. You can leave the clinic and walk or drive home straight away.

Credit and debit cards.